#FirstTimeFeeling from Bluvacanze: an Instagram competition for travelling again 15 October 2021 Photos and videos showing how we long to travel again #FirstTimeFeeling is the Bluvacanze Instagram competition aimed at encourage consumers to share their feelings and their desire for travelling again. To entice people to its social media page, Bluvacanze launched an Instagram prize competition, created with the Mention&Hashtag solution, which invites participants to use a photo or a video to show how they expect to travel again. Because the next trip will be a bit like the first time ….. The suitcase that never closes, the plane trip, the arrival in the room in a new hotel, finding your place on the train ….. Travelling again after the pandemic will be a bit like experiencing the excitement of the first time and Bluvacanze wants to encourage consumers to share their feelings and their desire for adventure. A trip as the prize for the winners chosen by the jury A jury will choose the contributions that have best matched the theme of the competition, including demonstrating originality and aesthetic quality.The two winners will each win a holiday voucher for two people for a one-week stay on Ischia in a 4-star hotel. A promotion with high social media involvement The competition will be promoted with Instagram Stories by influencers from the travel and lifestyle area, while the Bluvacanze and Vivere&Viaggiare agents will engage and excite consumers through the stories of their own travel experiences. The prize competition ran from 24 June to 15 September 2021. Do you want to organise an Instagram competition? Contact us now!