Instagram CommentContest: the winning strategy to win over your audience

Comment Contest su Instagram: la strategia vincente per conquistare il tuo pubblico

Find out how a CommentContest can increase engagement and the visibility of your Instagram profile

First things first: what is an Instagram CommentContest?

An Instagram CommentContest is a promotional marketing strategy that encourages users to interact with a post for a chance to win a prize.

Instagram “CommentContests” are prize contests that are currently one of the most effective strategies to engage your social media audience: the simplicity of the mechanics, which only requires you to post a comment, combined with the possibility of encouraging the sharing of the contest through the request to mention friends, makes it a powerful tool to increase engagement and quickly expand social visibility.

Simple to implement, yet incredibly effective, CommentContest on Instagram is an unmissable opportunity for businesses looking to maximize their social media presence and strengthen their connection with their audience on this platform.

How an Instagram CommentContest works

  • The promoter of the contest publishes a post on the brand’s Instagram page, presenting the prize event and explaining the steps to participate in the contest.
  • Users simply comment on the post for a chance to win one of the prizes up for grabs. This simple act of interaction automatically places them in the list of contest participants who will compete for the prizes up for grabs. User comments can include a variety of content, such as answers to questions, sharing personal experiences, or simple emojis, depending on the nature of the contest and its specific rules.
  • At the end of the contest period, the winners will be selected or drawn from all those who commented on the post, ensuring a transparent and impartial procedure.

All these steps must be clearly indicated in the promotional post published on the promoter’s Instagram page.

In fact, the promotional post must include general information about the activity and specifically about:

💬 How to participate

Although participation is really very simple for users, it is always necessary to clearly explain the steps to follow to participate in the competition.

In addition to the simple comment, you could ask users to:

  • Follow the organizer’s profile and/or other specific profiles
  • Mention one or more friends in the comments
  • Answer a question or a quiz.

🏆 How the winner is chosen

The winner of the contest can be selected in different ways

  • Final draw: the winner is drawn by lot from all participants who have complied with the rules of the contest.
  • Instant Win: through a chatbot that is activated in Instagram Direct Messages, the user follows a guided procedure for entering personal data that allows automatic participation in Instant Win.
  • Jury: the winner is the participant who, in the opinion of the Jury appointed by the promoter, has written the comment most in line with what is required in the regulations.

Indicate it clearly in the post, so that users are aware of it right away.

🎁 The prize at stake

The prize can be anything: from a company product to a gift certificate, to an exclusive experience, but it must always be what your target audience wants most.

Remember that the prize pool of the competition must also be included in the copy of the post.

📃 Where to find the complete regulations

To ensure transparency and clarity, it is essential to clearly indicate where users can consult the full rules of the competition. This can be done in different ways such as, for example, indicating a direct link to the regulations on the brand’s website or referring to the famous “link in bio” on Instagram, where you can find the direct link to the page dedicated to the regulations.

📅 Contest duration

It is equally important to provide clear information on the duration of the contest, from the beginning. In addition, it is advisable to include any other important dates such as, when the draw or award of the prizes will be made.

Why organise it?

CommentContests on Instagram can be an effective way to:

  • Increase engagement: By encouraging users to interact with your profile, you can get an increase in likes, comments and shares.
  • Grow your audience: they can help you make your profile known to a wider audience.
  • Generate leads: You can use CommentContests to gather information about your prospects, integrating the Chatbot functionality.

Instagram CommentContests with Chatbots

To get even more from an Instagram CommentContest you can also integrate a Chatbot flow into Direct Messages that allows you to both increase the number of followers of the page in a defined way, and to get new leads for your marketing activities.

Participating in a CommentContest with Chatbots is simple: after commenting on the contest post with the dedicated hashtag, the user just has to open the message they will receive automatically in the Direct messages to complete their participation in the contest, replying following the step-by-step instructions.

With the Chatbot tool it is also possible to verify that the participants are actually followers of your brand: the bot carries out an immediate verification to make sure that the users who participate in the contest are already followers of the page, encouraging those who are not yet so to become so immediately to continue the flow of participation.

Thanks to the integration of the chatbot, you can also acquire new leads: just ask users to provide their data through a wizard and, automatically, the data entered will be acquired by the dedicated software. This allows you to:

  • Get more detailed information about the participants
  • Have the ability to further personalize the interaction, for example by asking for consent for other activities such as sending the newsletter or offering vouchers or discount codes.

 💡 Discover more of the benefits of integrating a chatbot into your Instagram CommentContests.

👉 Want to know more? Contact us for a personal consultation!