Sweepstakes, Contests, and Giveaway Laws in France Promotions in France: rules Prize promotions in France are ruled by the “Code de la Consommation”. The code is the main reference legislative text and it establishes the fundamental characteristics that a prize promotion should have, besides clarifying which bureaucratic formalities all companies should carry out in order to organize a contest addressed to French consumers. For all contests, it is however essential to draw up the terms and conditions in French in compliance with the laws and to lodge it with the Huissier de Justice that is competent for the territory. Our company offers specific solutions for the organization of prize contests in France. We put at your disposal a team specialized in international promotions that, in its turn, avails itself of the collaboration of experienced and qualified local legal experts. Companies interested in the promotion of services or products in France may avail themselves of our assistance regarding: Prize promotions Gift with Purchase Promotions Trade incentives Customer loyalty programmes Some of the services we offer: A preliminary feasibility analysis Consultancy on the promotion procedure in compliance with the regulations on prize promotions in France Handling of paperwork with the competent authorities Checking of communication material according to law requirements Consultancy on taxes related to the promotion Consultancy on Privacy issues CONTACT US Organizing a prize promotion in France: Did you know that… Contests linked to purchase are now allowed in France thanks to the amendment of May 2011 adopting the 2005/29/CE European directive.