Sweepstakes, Contests, and Giveaway Laws in Latvia

Promotions in Latvia: rules

In Latvia, prize promotions are subject to a number of requirements which vary depending on the rules of participation and the prize pool. Prize promotions can be held only by locally-registered companies which will have to deal with the red tape required for the competition, as well as the handling of the participants’ personal data.

Promotions involving an obligation to buy require a special licence which takes between 15 and 60 days to obtain, depending on the amount of prize pool at stake.


Our company, with the help of local consultants with specific expertise in the area of international promotions, offers support in organising prize competitions in Latvia.
Companies interested in promoting services or products in Latvia can take advantage of our assistance with:

  • Prize promotions
  • Gift With Purchase Promotions
  • Trade incentives
  • Loyalty programs

Some of our services:

  • A preliminary feasibility study
  • Consultancy on the promotional mechanics in compliance with the specific regulations of the country
  • Dealing with the paperwork in compliance with the regulations
  • Checking the communication material according to the provisions of the law
  • Tax consultancy concerning the prize events
  • Consultancy on Privacy

Organizing a prize promotion in Latvia: Did you know that…
When prizes are awarded where a predefined threshold in the total prize pool is exceeded, the presence of a competent official is required.